Product Catalog To Armchair Travel History A-L
Series:- Brief History - Explore the fascinating and diverse stories of nations and peoples around the world.
- Concise History
- Discoveries
- The Latin America Readers - History, Culture and Society
Individual titles: - 1066: The Hidden History in the Bayeux Tapestry - A fascinating piece of medieval detective work.
- 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy - by Gavin Menzies
- 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - How a new generation of anthropologists and archaeologists have come to the persuasive conclusion that more people lived in the Americas in 1491 than in Europe.
- 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created - by Charles Mann
- 1967: Israel, the War, & the Year That Transformed the Middle East - A sweeping history of 1967-- the war, what led up to it, what came after, and how it changed everything
- 44 Days: Iran and the Remaking of the World - by David Burnett
- A-Z of Bahamas Heritage - by Michale Craton
- A-Z of Grenada Heritage - by John Angus Martin
- After the Victorians: The Decline of Britain in the World - Blends military, political, social, and cultural history of the most dramatic kind,
- All Things Must Fight to Live Congo: Stories of War and Deliverance in Congo
Stories of War and D - by Bryan Mealer
- American Jennie: The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill - A frank account of the tempestuous life of the American mother of Britain's most important 20th-century politician.
- Americans in Paris - by Charles Glass
- The Americas: A Hemispheric History - A groundbreaking history of the entire Western Hemisphere, from prehistory to the present
- Amsterdam - by Geert Mak
- The Ancient Maya: New Perspectives - Brings the general reader up to date with the latest archaeological evidence
- Eyewitness Experts Ancient Rome Set with CDRom
- Angel of Grozny - by Asne Seierstad
- Angkor and the Khmer Civilization - by Michael D. Coe
- Anglo Files: A Field Guide to the British - Dispatches from the new Britain: a slyly funny and compulsively readable portrait of a nation finally refurbished for the twenty-first century.
- Answering Only to God: Faith and Freedom in 21st Century Iran - Takes the reader inside Iran's key institutions
- The Antelope's Strategy: Living in Rwanda After the Genocide - by Jean Hatzfeld
- Arrival City: How the Largest Migration in History Is Reshaping Our World - by Doug Saunders
- The Art of War: condensed paperback edition - Imparts the knowledge and skills to overcome every adversary
- Atlantic Ocean: An Illustrated History - by Martin Sandler
- Away Off Shore Nantucket - by Nathaniel Philbrick
- Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba:: The Biography of a Cause - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History - by Robert Kaplan
- The Balkans: A Short History - This book sheds light on what has been called the tinderbox of Europe, whose troubles have ignited wider wars for hundreds of years.
- The Baltic: A New History of the Region and its People - A detailed history of the nations and peoples that are now poised to emerge as some of Europe's most vital democracies
- The Basque History of the World: The Story of a Nation - This fascinating book blends human stories with economic, literary, and culinary history into a rich and heroic tale.
- Bess of Hardwick: Empire Builder - A chronicle of the most brutal, turbulent, and exuberant period of England's history, and of Bess of Hardwick, who died one of the wealthiest women of her era.
- Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon - by John Berthold
- The Big One : An Island, an Obsession, and the Furious Pursuit of a Great - by David Kinney
- Black Sea - by Neal Ascherson
- Blenheim and the Churchills: A Personal Portrait - Explores the relationship between one of history's most important families and its ancestral home.
- Blessings of Bhutan - by Russ & Blyth Carpenter
- Blood, Iron and Gold: How the Railroads Transformed the World - by Christian Wolmar
- Bloody Falls of the Coppermine: Madness and Murder in the Arctic Barren Lands - The story of two missionaries killed and cannibalized by Inuit hunters in 1913, & the fallout when the hunters were brought to trial.
- Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World - by Michael Lewis
- Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine - by Anna Reid
- Boston Beheld: Antique Town and Country Views - by D. Brenton Simons
- The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny On Bounty - The bestselling author of The Endurance reveals the startling truth behind the legend of the HMS Bounty.
- The Boxer Rebellion - Preston places readers squarely in the middle of events as they unfold during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900.
- Boys from Dolores:: Fidel Castro's Schoolmates from Revolution to Exile - by Patrick Symmes
- A Brief History of Stonehenge - Every aspect of Stonehenge's changing cults and evolving architecture is reconsidered in Aubrey Burl's new analysis.
- British Museum Concise Introduction to: Ancient Greece - by Jenifer Neils
- California: A History - A single, comprehensive book that tells the epic story of America's most complex, dynamic, ever-changing state.
- Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman - by Robert Massie
- Champlain's Dream - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- Chasing the Flame:: One Man's Fight to Save the World - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- Chavez
- Che's Chevrolet, Fidel's Oldsmobile: On the Road in Cuba - Schweid blends the history of cars, trucks, and buses in Cuba with stories from his own experience.
- China: People, Place, Culture, History - A detailed exploration of China's long, rich history paired with information on its complex present
- Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China - The remarkable transformation of China over the past forty years as seen through the life of an award-winning journalist
- Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya - The first book to bring together and examine the greatest Maya dynasties in a single volume.
- Churchill's Empire - by Richard Toye
- Cities: A Magisterial Exploration - Charting the emergence of cities from the world's first cities in Mesopotamia to the megapolises of today
- The City: A Global History - Examines the evolution of urban life over the millennia
- City of Oranges: An Intimate History of Arabs and Jews in Jaffa - This profoundly human take on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is seen through the eyes of six families, three Arab and three Jewish.
- A City So Grand: The Rise of American Metropolis: Boston 1850 - 1900 - by Stephen Puleo
- Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littin - by Gabriel García Márquez
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed - Seeks to understand the fates of past societies that collapsed for ecological reasons, combining the most important policy debate of our generation with the romance and mystery of lost worlds.
- Columbus: The Four Voyages - by Laurence Bergreen
- Come On Shore and We Will Kill and Eat You All: A New Zealand Story - by Christina Thompson
- Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet - by Jeffrey D. Sachs
- A Commonwealth of Thieves: The Improbable Birth of Australia - Offers an insider's perspective into the dramatic saga of the birth of a vibrant society in an unfamiliar land.
- Compass: A Story of Exploration and Innovation - by Alan Gurney
- National Geographic Concise History of the World: An Illustrated Timeline - From the dawn of humankind to today's global complexities
- Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City - An interdisciplinary account of the environmental history and changing landscape of New York City.
- Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico - Captures in extraordinary detail the Mexican and Spanish civilizations, and portraits of legendary opponents Montezuma and Cortes.
- The Conquest of the Sahara - by Douglas Porch
- The Corpse Walker : Real Life Stories: China from the Bottom Up
- A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 - A fascinating exploration of a legendary event that changed the way we look at the planet on which we live.
- Cracow: An Illustrated History - by Zdzislaw Zygulski
- Crete - Documents one of the most glittering and sophisticated cultures the world has ever seen
- Cruelest Miles: Dogs & Men in a Race Against an Epidemic - by Gay Salisbury
- Cuba : A New History - A fresh eye on the history of the Caribbean island from its pre-Columbian origins to the present day.
- Curse of the Narrows - by Laura MacDonald
- Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa - by Jason Stearns
- Dawn of the Belle Epoque: The Paris of Monet, Zola, Bernhardt, Eiffel, Debussy, Clemen - by Mary McAuliffe
- The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 - Tells the harrowing story of the campaigns in Sicily and Italy.
- Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working And How There Is A Better Way for Africa - by Dambisa Moyo
- The Dead Yard: A Story of Modern Jamaica - by Ian Thomson
- Defining a Nation: Our America and the Sources of Its Strength - Essays by historians, commentators, and writers in a celebration of America
- Delta Blues: The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes - Illuminates how Muslims have seen the history of the world--and what western world history leaves out.
- The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America - The story of two men's obsessions with the Chicago World's Fair, one its architect, the other a murderer.
- The Discovery of France: Historical Geography from the Revolution to the First World - Explains how the modern nation of France came to be and how poorly understood that nation still is today.
- The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947 - A definitive history of modern Tibet.
- Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- The Eaves of Heaven: A Life in Three Wars - by Andrew X. Pham
- Eden On the Charles: The Making of Boston - In Boston's history, we find the seeds of the environmental relationships tha have defined urban America to this day.
- Edo, the City That Became Tokyo - by Akira Naito
- Eiffel's Tower - by Jill Jonnes
- El Narco: Inside Mexico'S Criminal Insurgency
- The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us
- Empire City: New York Through the Centuries - This major anthology brings together the best literary writing about New York
- Encyclopedia of New England - An essential work, the first to celebrate, document, and interpret New England's unique regional history and culture
- Encyclopedia of New York City - edited by Kenneth Jackson
- Every Man Dies Alone
- Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Made - A vibrant, behind-the-scenes look at National Geographic, from its start in 1888
- The Fabric of America - How the borders and boundaries that formed states and a nation inspired an American sense of identity
- The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia's Founding - The history of the birth of Australia which came out of the suffereing and brutality of England's infamous convict transportation system.
- Fear: Robert Mugabe and the Martyrdom of Zimbabwe - by Peter Godwin
- Fin De Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture - by Carl Schorske
- Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found - by Mary Beard
- First Stop in the New World: Mexico City, the Capital of the 21st Century - A panoramic literary portrait of Mexico Citya a vibrant, seductive, paradoxical city now commanding the world's attention and showing us the way to the future of urban life.
- Five Germanys I Have Known - Brings to life the five Germanys Stern has experienced: Weimar, the Third Reich, postwar West and East Germanys, and the unified country after 1990.
- Footnotes in Gaza - by Joe Sacco
- Forbidden City - by Geremie Barme
- Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City - by Greg Grandin
- The Forever War - A New York Times Notable Book - 2008
- Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia - A richly-illustrated and important book that traces the rise and fall of one of the ancient world's largest and richest empires.
- Forgotten Land: Journeys Among the Ghosts of East Prussia - by Max Egremont
- Founding Mothers - Reveals the often surprising stories of the fascinating women who fought the Revolution as valiantly as the men.
- Four Fish: The Future of Last Wild Food - by Paul Greenberg
- The Fracture Zone: My Return to the Balkans - by Simon Winchester
- France and the French: A Modern History - La Vie En Bleu Since 1900
- The Friar of Carcassonne: Revolt Against the Inquisition in Last Days of the Cathars - by Stephen O'Shea
- From the Holy Mountain - A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East
- Gaining Ground: A History of Landmaking in Boston - Historian Seasholes presents the first complete account of when, why, and how this land was created.
- Gallipoli - by Peter Hart
- The Gate - One man's astonishing experience in a land of pristine beauty on the eve of one of the 20th century's most barbaric spectacles.
- Geography of Religion: Where God Lives, Where Pilgrims Walk - A gorgeously illustrated book is an authoritative text that portrays the great religions of humankind
- Ghosts of Spain: Travels Through Spain and Its Silent Past - Tremlett unveils the tinderbox of disagreements that mark the country today
- Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century - The author's insightful history explores the golden age of globalization in the 20th century
- God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215 - A history of Islamic culture in early Europe
- God's War: A New History of the Crusades - A fascinating and horrifying story that continues to haunt our contemporary world.
- Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 - In this epic, Pulitzer Prize-winning work, Burrows and Wallace have produced a monumental history of New York City.
- The Great Deluge - Offering a unique, piercing analysis of the ongoing crisis and its repercussions for America.
- The Great Explorers - Penetrating biographies written by a group of distinguished travel writers, broadcasters, and historians reveal the lives, motives, and passions of forty major explorers in history.
- The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia - A history of the cold war between Great Britain and Russia.
- A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America - A revealing view of Benjamin Franklin during an unforgettable chapter of the Revolution.
- The Greenlanders - The story of a Scandinavian settlement in 10th century Greenland.
- Guerrillas: Journeys in the Insurgent World - Based on a decade of interviews, Guerrillas takes readers into the human culture of insurgency.
- Guided Tour Through the Museum of Communism: Fables from a Mouse, a Parrot, a Bear, a Cat, a Mole, a Pig, - by Slavenka Drakulic
- Hard Road West: History & Geology Along the Gold Rush Trail - Reveals how geology and topography directly affected our nations westward expansion.
- Havana: Autobiography of a City - An accessible and complete story of the city for the history buff and armchair traveler alike.
- Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba - by Wendy Gimbel
- Heart of Europe: The Past in Poland's Present - A key to understanding the modern Polish crisis
- Historic Concord and the Lexington: A brief History with an all-new guide
- Historical Atlas of Islam - The historical development of Islamic societies is explained through short essays, illustrations, and full-color maps
- Historical Atlas of the Civil War - by John MacDonald
- A History of China - A concise history of China now updated to incorporate the latest research
- The History of Havana - Explores the making of the city and its people through revolutions, art, economic development and the interplay of diverse societies
- A History of Hungary - The most up-to-date and wide-ranging survey of Hungarian history, from pre-historic times to the present day.
- The History of Latin America: Collision of Cultures - The collision of peoples and cultures that defines Latin America provides the central theme of this history
- A History of Modern Russia:: From Nicholas II to Putin - A fresh and lively survey of the Soviet experience, from the rise of communism in 1917 to the aftermath of its collapse in 1991
- A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival - A new edition of the standard work on Slovakia's fascinating history
- History of the Conquest of Mexico - A compelling view of the clash of civilizations that reverberates in Latin America to this day.
- History of the Turks and Caicos Islands - by Carlton Mills
- Holy War: Vasco Da Gama's Epic Voyages: Turned the Tide in a Centuries-Old Clash of Civilizations
- by Nigel Cliff
- How the Irish Saved Civilization - The untold story of Ireland's role in maintaining Western culture while the Dark Ages settled on Europe
- The Hudson: A History - Lewis traces the history of the Hudson River over four centuries
- Imperium - A work that translates history into the hopes and sufferings of the human beings condemned to live it.
- In Search of Genghis Khan - An Exhilarating Journey on Horseback Across the Steppes of Mongolia
- In Tasmania - A fascinating history of two turbulent centuries in an apparently idyllic place
- In the Shadow of Vesuvius: A Cultural History of Naples - by Jordan Lancaster
- Inbound 4: A Comic Book History of Boston
- India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy - Tells the full story: the pain and the struggle, the humiliations and the glories, of the world's largest and least likely democracy.
- Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi - by Steve Inskeep
- Interstate 69 - by Matt Dellinger
- Inventing Japan 1853 to1964 - A period that saw as dramatic a transformation as any country has ever known.
- The Invention of Paris: A History in Footsteps - A radical guide to Paris through art, literature and revolution.
- Ionian Islands - by John Freely
- Iran: A People Interrupted - by Hamid Dabashi
- Irrestible North: From Venice to Greenland on the Trail of the Zen Brothers - by Andrea di Robilant
- Is Journalism Worth Dying for: Final Dispatches - by Anna Politkovskaya
- The Island at the Center of the World - Reveals in riveting detail the crucial role of the Dutch in making America what it is today.
- Island of Bali - by Miguel Covarrubias
- Island of Seven Cities: Where the Chinese Settled When They Discovered America - Unveils the first tangible proof that the Chinese were in the New World before Columbus
- Islands of Boston Harbor - by Edward R. Snow
- Israel, Palestine and Peace: Essays - A collection of provocative essays and speeches on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Israel: A History - by Martin Gilbert
- The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall - A successful international business expert turns conventional wisdom on its head and shows how the U.S. can start acting in its own interests.
- Japan History - by W. Scott Morton
- Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths - Shows how three radically different concepts of holiness have shaped and scarred Jerusalem over the years.
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World - by James Carroll
- Jerusalem: The Biography - by Simon Sebaq Montefiore
- Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883 - An examination of the enduring and world-changing effects of the catastrophic eruption of the world's most dangerous volcano
- La Belle France: A Short History - A captivating, beautifully illustrated and comprehensive yet concise history of France.
- The Labyrinth of Solitude and Other Writings - by Octavio Paz
- Landmark Arrian: The Campaigns of Alexander: Anabasis Alexandrou
- Landmark Herodotus: The Histories - A readable and comprehensively useful edition to the classical work
- Last Days of Old Beijing - by Michael Meyer
- Last Empress: Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and the Birth of Modern China - by Hannah Pakula
- The Last Mughal: The Fall of a Dynasty: Delhi, 1857 - Dalrymple is the first to present an Indian perspective on the fall of Delhi
- Last Train from Hiroshima - by Charles R. Pellegrino
- Lebanon: A House Divided - A seminal study of Lebanon's past, present, and future
- The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East - Suggests that even amid the bleakest political realities there exist stories of hope and reconciliation
- Lenin's Tomb - A bestselling account of the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Letters of Pauline Palmer 1908-1926: A Great Lady of Chicago's First Family - Tells of family life, European travel, art collecting and Chicago history in the first decades of the 20th century.
- Life Along the Silk Road - by Susan Whitfield
- Lisbon: War in the Shadows of the City of Light, 1939-1945 - by Neill Lochery
- London: A Biography - by Peter Ackroyd
- The Long Exile: A Tale of Inuit Betrayal and Survival in the High Arctic - In 1953, the Canadian government forcibly relocated three dozen Inuit to the high arctic. McGrath brings this extraordinary tale of mistreatment and deprivation to life.
- The Lost Heart of Asia - A chronicle of Central Asia's search for identity after independence.
- Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution - Brings the story of modern Iran to the present day, exploring the political, cultural, and social changes of the past quarter century.
- Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American Revolution - Tens of thousands of blacks in America at the start of the Revolutionary War escaped to reach the British who offered the promise of emancipation in return for military service.
- The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War - by Nicholas Thompson
- A Thousand Sighs, a Thousand Revolts: Journeys in Kurdistan - Celebrated journalist Bird offers a fascinating, illuminating and very personal glimpse into an exotic land and people of increasing global significance: Kurdistan.
- Traditional Jewelry of India - by Oppi Untracht
- World of the Ancient Greeks - by John Camp